Saturday, September 12, 2009

Impressive Software...

Blender is amazing! I've just finished learning about linking, parenting, and grouping objects. As I consider the complexity of the underlying support for these functions, it amazes me that software like this is available for free. When you use these functions, it provides the animator with the ability to share characteristics like color, texture, transformations, and many other traits between the objects. Just thinking about the code required to manage the user interface in design mode for these functions is daunting, let alone the code required to support the rendering of the objects.

I've had numerous people tell me how smart I am throughout my career. One thing I can say with confidence is that no matter how smart I may or may not be, I'm still in awe of people who I consider really smart and there are plenty of folks that are a lot smarter than me.

The developers who have written Blender are brilliant! And to think that they have contribute their intelligence and talent to create this type of software for free is mind boggling to me. They are truly in a class of their own. I am thankful to them for giving me the opportunity to learn about something that interests me, without spending a dime. One day I hope I will be able to give back to the Blender Foundation by using this tool to generate some income. If and when that happens, I will be more than happy to contribute to this foundation both to show my appreciaton for what they have given me and as a matter of respect for the talented individuals that have created this fine software.

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