Thursday, April 17, 2008

Welcome to prison! Now bend over...

I received the police report last week detailing the information our stolen vehicle. It turns out that the police actually caught the suspect with our car.

The accused was to be arraigned in court yesterday where he was expected to be pleading guily to a couple of different charges; one being possession of a stolen vehicle.

I talked with a lady at the district attorneys office yesterday and it turns out that the suspect is just about to turn 21. I was sad when I heard this. It's very disappointing to see somebody so you getting in trouble with the law. On the other hand, it seems that this individual was arrested as a juvenile for a similar activity. Apparently he didn't learn his lesson.

After further discussion, it turns out that this kid could actually receive a 54 month prison sentence for this crime. Yes prison!! Not jail... prison. Oy!!! The prosecutor is only going to ask for 28 months, so I suppose this kid should consider himself lucky. Hopefully he will get his head on straight after this. A couple of years in prison and an introduction to crudest way to become somebody's boy toy, should help this boy understand that crime definitely does not pay.

I'm glad that he will only have to serve a couple of years. Hopefully he will get out and get himself on track to leading a respectable life.

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